Repair Options for Partial Dentures

Dentures Plantation, FL

If you have partial dentures, you know how important it is to take good care of them. Repairs can be costly and sometimes damaged dentures may require a total replacement. When it comes to partial dentures, there are many parts prone to breaking, including the teeth, clasps, acrylic plastic base and any metal pieces. When and if you ever chip a tooth or break a clasp, know how to act to ensure a speedy repair.

Types of partial denture damage

Partial dentures are not designed to last forever and are prone to damage over time. One of the most common types of damage is a fracture. For example, when denture wearers bite or chew, the force can cause tiny fractures in the dentures. Over time, these fractures may become worse and result in dentures not fitting well. Additionally, fractures may result in larger breaks down the road. Depending on where the break develops, the dentures can be repaired by a dentist or prosthodontist. If the damage is too extensive, a new set of dentures may be required.

While fractures are one of the most common types of denture damage, wearers should also be careful not to drop dentures or eat sticky or crunchy foods. When dentures are dropped, there is a risk of breaking a tooth, clasp or another part of the dentures. Eating sticky foods may also result in broken teeth and other damaged parts. When too much damage is done to a denture, the fit may become compromised, which can be harmful to the wearer’s gums and oral health.

Partial denture repairs

When a wearer’s dentures are damaged, there are a few options available. Depending on the extent of the damage, a simple reline may be in order. Relining dentures involves adding material to the damaged part to improve the fit and prevent damage from spreading. Most denture wearers can have their dentures relined right in the comfort of a dentist’s office. If a larger reline is necessary, though, the dentures may be shipped to a dental lab. Fortunately, because partial dentures are commonly made using acrylic resin, a very repairable material, most denture repairs are simple.

Other types of partial denture repairs may involve replacing or repairing a cracked or broken tooth. When a clasp or metal piece breaks, those can often be repaired as well. When damage happens, all a wearer has to do is contact a dentist for a consultation to determine what repair option is the right one.

Prevent denture damage

There are steps denture wearers can take to ensure their dentures do not become damaged often. People should always use a firm grip when handling dentures so that they do not slip and fall. When they fall, the dentures may crack. Wearers should also check their dentures frequently for signs of wear and tear. Additionally, wearers should also be mindful of the fit. If the fit ever becomes loose, the denture wearer should contact a dentist immediately.

Repair damaged dentures with ease

If your dentures are ever damaged, do not panic. There are many repair options available to help keep dentures working as they should. If you are unsure what type of repair your dentures need, contact a dentist. Your dentist will talk to you about all the available options.

Request an appointment here: or call Best Smile 4 All at (954) 577-8736 for an appointment in our Plantation office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dentures and Partial Dentures in Plantation, FL.

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